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My Eco Bag

My Eco Bag is an Australian company based around revolutionary new technology developed in this country to take petrochemical plastic out of our consumption cycle. Made entirely from compostable, environmentally friendly materials, The Reactor has been helping My Eco Bag grow their profile since they first got onto the shelves of the big retailers in 2020.

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The Garbage Bag That Isn't Garbage

My Eco Bag is the perfect product for contemporary needs, but with all the green-washing of the mainstream plastic manufacturers, they needed help to simplify their message and get cut through on social media and in the supermarket aisle. We helped them evolve their brand look & feel and built a fun, light-hearted campaign that built awareness of their planet-friendly message without getting too worthy or dull. Sales were double initial projections and ensured big box grocery would go beyond trial phase and stock them for the long term.

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The Reactor Creative, Advertising & Design_MyEco_World
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